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The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to till it and keep. - Genesis 2:15

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is proud to be an Earth Care Congregation! The Social Justice and Peacemaking Unit of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), in consultation with congregations and presbyteries across the denomination, developed the program as a model for mobilizing congregations to respond to the General Assembly’s “CALL TO RESTORE THE CREATION.” St. Andrew’s participated in an extensive self-audit, reporting, and planning period in 2019, was certified in 2020, and re-certified in 2021. As part of our commitment, the Earth Care Pledge was affirmed by the session and signed by the clerk.

Earth Care Pledge:

Peace and justice is God’s plan for all creation. The earth and all creation are God’s. God calls us to be careful, humble stewards of this earth, and to protect and restore it for its own sake, and for the future use and enjoyment of the human family. As God offers all people the special gift of peace through Jesus Christ, and through Christ reconciles all to God, we are called to deal justly with one another and the earth.

1. Our worship and discipleship will celebrate God’s grace and glory in creation and declare that God calls us to cherish, protect and restore this earth.

2. In education, we will seek learning and teaching opportunities to know and understand the threats to God’s creation and the damage already inflicted. We will encourage and support each other in finding ways of keeping and healing the creation in response to God’s call to earth-keeping, justice and community.

3. Our facilities will be managed, maintained and upgraded in a manner that respects and cherishes all creation, human and non-human, while meeting equitably the needs of all people. In our buildings and on our grounds we will use energy efficiently, conserve resources, and share what we have in abundance so that God’s holy creation will be sustainable for all life and future generations.

4. Our outreach will encourage public policy and community involvement that protects and restores the vulnerable and degraded earth as well as oppressed and neglected people. We will be mindful that our personal and collective actions can positively or negatively affect our neighborhood, region, nation and world. We will seek to achieve environmental justice through coalitions and ecumenical partnerships.

We welcome all to participate in Earth Care activities at St. Andrew’s. Those interested in getting involved may contact Crystal Heffner or Mary Catherine James.

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Phone: 843-766-4262

712 Wappoo Road, Charleston, SC 29407

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